(1) MyPLS: Learning Management System
MyPLS has 5 main components, these being learning materials for the subjects (eBook), video, quiz, assignment questions and plagiarism checker (Turnitin software)
(1.1) Subject Structure
- Each subject has around 8 to 10 topics, in the form of eBook (electronic book).
- Each topic has around 15 to 20 pages to read.
- Each subject has around 150 to 200 pages to read.
- There are activities to check for understanding (questions) at the end of each section.
(1.2) Video
- Each topic has around 1 to 5 videos to watch.
- Each subject has around 10 to 20 videos to watch.
- The video is to improve the understanding of the content in each topic.
(1.3) Quiz
- Each topic has around 10 quizzes.
- Each subject has around 100 quizzes.
- You can attempt quizzes multiple time.
(1.4) Assignment Questions
- Each subject has one assignment usually contain 3 parts (sometimes could be 4 to 10 parts).
- Assignment is part of total assessment, usually allocated 60% for assignment mark.
(1.5) Upload Assignment
- Completed assignment need to be submitted online for marking
(1.6) Plagiarism Checker (Turnitin)
- Completed assignment need to be submitted to Plagiarism Checker before submit online. This is to ensure the Similarity with external source is below permitted percentage, for example, 20% for Master students
(2.0) Blogspot
Blogspot provides additional information for study. The Blogspot has the summary of the subject (Powerpoint Slides) and Video recorded by the academic facilitator (or lecturer).
(2.1) Subject Structure
- Each subject has 3 to 5 sets of PowerPoint Slides.
- Each set of powerpoint slides covers 2 to 3 topics.
- Each subject has 3 to 5 Videos
(2.2) Assignment
- Each part is covered by one Video
- Each assignment usually has 3 to 5 parts, therefore there are 3 to 5 Videos prepare by the Academic Facilitator (or lecturer)
(3.0) Online Class
During the online class, students are encouraged to
- Ask questions so that the lecturer can give a clear explanation
- Contribute ideas and opinions
- Comment on issues
(4.0) Examination
- Exam contribute 40% of the total marks
- The format of the exam (quizzes, essay and etc) will be given during exam.
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